Mincaye Is Now with Jesus

article - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog
When I became a Christian at age fifteen one of the first stories I read was about the five missionary martyrs. As it did hundreds of thousands of others, this story inspired me and taught me that there is often a price to pay in order to spread the good news of salvation in Christ. Little did I know that many years later I would connect with the family members of three of those men, as well as one of their killers, now beautifully transformed.

Heaven and Hell: Bart Ehrman’s Latest Attack on Christianity

article - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog
This is an expanded version of a book review I did for The Gospel Coalition a few weeks ago. This is more than a book review—it is a reflection on a battle of worldviews that many churches and individual Christians are sadly losing. It’s also a call to take greater efforts to teach our young people to understand and defend their faith in Christ in a culture that is increasingly hostile to the teachings of Scripture.

Are You Weary? Rest in God’s Promise to Be Your Strength

article - Stephanie Anderson Randy's blog
Today’s guest blog about finding strength in God is by Stephanie Anderson, EPM staff member. When you’re a hard worker, as a mom, nurse, business person, farmer, or anything else, you need to pay special attention to Jesus the Rest-giver, who gives us this beautiful invitation: “Come to me, all of you who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28, GNT).

If You Don’t Really Need Your Stimulus, Would You Prayerfully Consider Giving It to God’s Kingdom?

article - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog
There are many Americans who are anticipating receiving their coronavirus stimulus from the government because they truly need the money in order to pay bills and care for their families right now. But if you’re in a position where this money would just go into your savings account or to fund wants but not needs, I would like to make what might seem to be a radical suggestion.