Will There Be Animals in Heaven? article - Randy Alcorn If the New Earth is all the best of the old earth and more, then we should expect it to contain animals.
Will There Be Marriage in Heaven? article - Randy Alcorn In Heaven there will be one marriage, not many. That marriage will be what earthly marriage symbolized and pointed to, the marriage of Christ to his bride. So we will all be married—but to Christ.
Will There Be Privacy in Heaven? article - Randy Alcorn The existence of our own individual dwelling places implies privacy. We are also told Christ will give new names to the righteous, known only between him and them (Rev. 2:17).
Will There Be Private Ownership in Heaven? article - Randy Alcorn So what is “ours” is ultimately God’s, including whatever he gives to us. But that is every bit as true here on earth as it is in Heaven. And the fact that God owns whatever is “mine” does not mean there is no distinction between what I own and what others own.
Will There Be Seas as We Know Them in Heaven? article - Randy Alcorn The point isn’t that God had not created the seas. The point is that the seas (or oceans) as we now know them may be radically different than the original seas
Will There Be Space and Time in the Eternal Heaven? article - Randy Alcorn Notice that the New Jerusalem, which was in Heaven, will come down out of Heaven from God. Where does it go? To the New Earth. From that time on, “the dwelling of God” will be with redeemed mankind on Earth.
Will Time No Longer Exist in Heaven? article - Randy Alcorn Whether or not Heaven operates outside the scope of earth’s time sequence, clearly the inhabitants of Heaven track with events happening in time (Rev. 2-3).
Will We (or Our Loved Ones) Become Angels When We Go to Heaven? article - Randy Alcorn No. Angels and human beings are entirely different creatures.
A. W. Tozer: Worship article - A. W. Tozer If you do not worship God seven days a week, you do not worship Him on one day a week.
Harvest Stories: The JESUS Film article - The JESUS Film In Colombia, South America, a missionary couple was driving along a rugged mountain road known for occasional attacks by bandits, when suddenly their car was blocked by thieves brandishing assault rifles.
Has Christianity Made Up Its Own Meaning of Fornication to Mean Sex Before Marriage? article - Marshall Beretta The Bible in its entirety is clear on sexuality. Words have meaning in context.
Why Would God Want to Serve Us in Heaven? article - Randy Alcorn As a father who loves his children goes out of his way to help them, God promises that he will always give of himself for us. Why? Because he loves us and wants to show forever his appreciation for our loyalty and service to him in this life. Does that mean we deserve God’s grace? Of course not. By definition, God’s grace is something we don’t deserve. If we deserved it, it wouldn’t be grace!
Why Would it Be Bad to Use Science to Interpret the Bible? article - Jim Darnall I believe that the Bible has greater authority than nature. Creation is “general” revelation only. The Bible is special, much more specific, revelation.
Why Does Satan Bother Us When He Knows the Ultimate Outcome? article - Randy Alcorn Satan is so delusional that, in his blinding hatred opposing God, he willingly fulfills God’s decree as it is plainly revealed and known by him.
Why Doesn't Focus on the Family Take a Definitive Stand Against the Birth Control Pill? article - William L. Toffler M.D. I am a family physician and professor at Oregon Health & Science University in Portland, Oregon. I am also one of the physicians on the Physicians Resource Council (PRC) at Focus on the Family.