Local Churches Are an Essential Part of God’s Plan to Reach the World through Missions

video - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog
I am still part of the same church a small group of us started forty-four years ago. Since the church began, several thousand people have gone out in summer missions. Consequently, our congregation is filled with world Christians who know our missionaries personally, pray for them regularly, and give to missions more generously. The eternal dividends far outweigh the short-term costs.

The Resurrection Means We Will Never Pass Our Physical Peaks

video - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog
In our society many people look to cosmetic surgeries, implants, and other methods to remodel and renovate our crumbling bodies. We hold to youthfulness with a white-knuckled grip. Ultimately, it’s all in vain. But the gospel promises us eternal youthfulness, health, beauty, and happiness in the presence of our God and our spiritual family. It’s not ours now—but it will be, in the resurrection of the dead.
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