Should We Pursue Self-Love?

article - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog
I’ve often heard it said in evangelical messages, books, and articles that God’s Word teaches three kinds of love—love for God, love for others, and love for self. The supposed proof is Matthew 22:39, where “Love your God with all your heart” is called the first and greatest commandment. Number two is its corollary: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Clearly, we are taught to love God above all and love our neighbor above all but God. So where does that leave love of self?

The Problem with Abortion Abolitionism, and an Appeal to Prolifers to Work Together

article - Scott Klusendorf Randy's blog
Over the years, we’ve received numerous comments and feedback from those who consider themselves abortion abolitionists. I honestly appreciate their passion to see abortion ended. Any sincere prolifer would be ecstatic if abortion were made illegal. Unfortunately, their methods and philosophy, and their antagonistic stance to other prolifers, are often problematic. My thanks to Scott Klusendorf for this article explaining the problems with abolitionism and giving a defense of prolife incrementalism.

A. W. Tozer Asks, Do You Believe God Is the Most Winsome of All Beings?

article - A. W. Tozer Randy's blog
In his classic book The Knowledge of the Holy, which influenced me profoundly as a new believer, A. W. Tozer wrote, "What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us." And in this excerpt from his book The Root of the Righteous, Tozer lays out why we need a right view of God—one that includes His holiness of course, but also His happiness, love, kindness, and delight.
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