Revelation 21:1 - "There Was No Longer Any Sea."

Revelation 21:1 - "There Was No Longer Any Sea."

video - Randy Alcorn
What does it mean that there will no longer be any sea? Randy Alcorn quotes Charles Spurgeon who asserts that this must have a spiritual meaning. The sea separates nations and to the ancients it was fearsome. It represented danger and death. So in the world to come there will be no division or danger like the sea represented. We shouldn't interpret it as "How sad - no more fun times at the beach." This video clip was excerpted from Randy's Eternity 101 DVD class.
Why Does God Reward Us?

Why Does God Reward Us?

video - Randy Alcorn
Like a parent, God delights to reward His children for what they have done. Randy Alcorn asserts that to want reward is not a selfish thing. He clarifies that selfishness is wanting something at the expense of another, but God's rewards are not limited, so for one person to receive ongoing rewards does not diminish the rewards available to another person. In God's system, everyone gains and no one loses. This video clip was excerpted from Randy's Eternity 101 DVD class.
Man: A Dethroned Monarch

Man: A Dethroned Monarch

video - Randy Alcorn
Blaise Pascal said that, like a dethroned monarch who craves for the influence he or she lost, we often feel a similar impotence to accomplish great things for God. Though the fall has diminished our ability to accomplish as much as may want to, we don't have to wait for heaven to operate within a God given sphere of influence. Randy Alcorn reminds us that God has given us a sphere of influence and we should serve Him faithfully in it. This video clip was excerpted from Randy's Eternity 101 DVD class.