Look Who Knows Abortion is Wrong article - Americans United for Life Even the most powerful proponents of abortion know they’re wrong.
5 Tips for Clear Writing and Talking article - C. S. Lewis C. S. Lewis’ advice to children on writing is good advice to pastors on preaching, or anybody on talking.
Mother Teresa's Speech article - Mother Teresa If we remember that God loves us, and that we can love others as He loves us, then America can become a sign of peace for the world.
Wilberforce: Refusing to Give Up article - Randy Alcorn Shortly after his conversion to Christ in 1784, British parliamentarian William Wilberforce began his battle for the black man’s freedom.
Euthanasia: Mercy or Murder? article - Randy Alcorn I used this article in a course I taught at Multnomah Bible College—Soc 111, Contemporary Social Ethics.
Believer's Judgment of Works article - Randy Alcorn What awaits the believer after death? We all know the answer—heaven.
A Prayer 20 Years After Roe v. Wade article - Randy Alcorn We confess that we are sometimes weary of living in a world where right is called wrong and wrong is called right.
In Condoms We Trust article - Randy Alcorn A recent “Primetime Live” program covered public schools whose health clinics are now surgically inserting Norplant beneath the skin of teenage girls.
Self-Love and Scripture article - Randy Alcorn I was on the east coast speaking at one of the finest Christian camps in the country. There in the bookstore, surrounded by great books by J. I. Packer, John Stott and others, was a book called, Selling Yourself on You.
Psychology & the Bible article - Randy Alcorn In the evangelical churches of America, many people who do not know the meaning of “substitutionary atonement,” “sanctification,” “holiness” and “depravity” are becoming intimately acquainted with the meaning of “codependency,” “enabler,” “dysfunction” and “abuse.”
Do We Celebrate Diversity? article - Randy Alcorn I submitted the following opinion piece to the Gresham Outlook in August of 1993. It wasn’t printed (no excerpts either). Because it reflects trends not just in my area but around the country, I’m including it here.
What Happens When We Die? The Dead Will Be Raised Imperishable article - John Piper Therefore God will honor the work of his Son by raising your body from the dead, and you will use your body to glorify him forever and ever. That is why you have a body now. And that is why it will be raised imperishable.
Does It Pay to Visit Vermin? article - John Piper “Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.” (James 1:27)
Jon Will's Aptitudes article - George F. Will Jon has Down syndrome, a chromosomal defect involving varying degrees of mental retardation and physical abnormalities.
One Tragedy, or 30 Million and One? article - Randy Alcorn Thoughts on the Florida Abortionist Killed, and preborn babies killed.