Materialism, Man and Morality article - Randy Alcorn Materialism can only be corrected by a different view of God.
If the Lord’s Day Is Sunday, Why Do We Have a Saturday Evening Service? article - John Piper How should we think about our Saturday night service in view of “the Lord’s Day” being the “first day of the week”? So here is my response.
Grateful Heart: An Antidote to Lust article - Alan P. Medinger Did you ever wonder why your struggles with lust seem to come in cycles? For some reason you seem to struggle mightily with lust for a number of days or weeks and then, for no apparent reason, the struggle subsides.
Randy's Response to a Former Professor's Critique of Heaven article - Randy Alcorn Since publication, a dozen people’s input has prompted me to make a few dozen changes, mostly small but some significant, that will appear in future revisions. I always feel good about doing this.
Addiction Proofing: A Strategy for Spiritual Renewal article - David Eckman At any one time, 10% of our congregations are addicted (involved in damaging behaviors), 30% are compulsive (hearts preoccupied with pleasure), and all are eventually tempted.
Students of the Cross article - Tom White On February 19th, 280 Christian students were assaulted on their way to graduation.
A Compelling Reason for Rigorous Training of the Mind article - John Piper I was reading and meditating on the book of Hebrews recently, when it hit me forcefully that a basic and compelling reason for education—the rigorous training of the mind—is so that a person can read the Bible with understanding.
Enjoying God and Enjoying Heaven: Why They Are Inseparable article - Randy Alcorn Have you ever—in prayer or corporate worship or during a walk on the beach—for a few moments experienced the very presence of God?
Ken Taylor Goes Home article - Randy Alcorn Thank you, Jesus, for Ken Taylor, and thank you for helping him raise the bar for the rest of us.
Our Beloved Dog Recently Died. Should I Correct My Kids When They Say They Can’t Wait to Play with Him Again in Heaven? article - Randy Alcorn We needn't be embarrassed either to grieve the loss of our pets or to want to see them again.
A Theology of Heaven, 2005 Class Syllabus article - Randy Alcorn This is an intensive class taught by Randy Alcorn.
What Is Your Response To Writer Anne Lamott's Prochoice Stand? article - Randy Alcorn Question from a reader: I recently read about Anne Lamott's stand on abortion and her antagonism towards pro-lifers. How do you respond to this Christian writer being adamantly pro-choice?
Aftermath Lessons from Terri Schiavo's Life and Death article - Chuck Colson The controversy over the decision of judges to starve her to death is not going away anytime soon—and that’s a good thing.
Meet Judge Greer's Pastor article - Joseph Farah If we had more pastors like Rice, we’d have fewer judges like Greer.
Guilt, God, and Self-Esteem article - Randy Alcorn Despite what some would have us believe, there is such a thing as true moral guilt.