How do we balance showing grace and truth? audio - Randy Alcorn Randy Alcorn answers the question, "How do we balance showing grace and truth?"
Do We Have a Double Standard Regarding Grace? audio - Randy Alcorn Randy Alcorn answers the question, "How do we overcome giving so much grace to ourselves but not to others?"
Jesus: Full of grace and truth audio - Randy Alcorn Randy Alcorn teaches from John 1 at the Cannon Beach Christian Conference Center.
The Grace and Truth Paradox: Luke 15 audio - Randy Alcorn Randy Alcorn teaches on Luke 15 at the Cannon Beach Conference Center.
What truth do people need to hear? audio - Randy Alcorn Randy Alcorn answers the question, "What truth do people need to hear?"
First, a Christian audio - Randy Alcorn Randy Alcorn answer the question, "Why is it crucial that we are first and foremost Christians, not liberals or conservatives?"
Encouragement for Those Who Are Pregnant with a Disabled Child audio - Randy Alcorn In this clip from his interview with Melinda Schmidt of Midday Connection, Randy Alcorn offers encouragement and advice for those who are expecting a disabled child.
Pro-choice even if it's the wrong choice? audio - Randy Alcorn Randy Alcorn answers the question, " Can you be pro-choice about abortion even if you think it's the wrong choice?"
Abortion: Denying photographic evidence audio - Randy Alcorn Randy Alcorn answers the question, "How do you answer those who deny the photographic evidence?"
Are pro-abortion and pro-choice different? audio - Randy Alcorn Randy Alcorn answers the question, "How do you respond to those who claim I'm not pro-abortion I'm pro-choice?"
Baby=body part? audio - Randy Alcorn Randy Alcorn answers the question, "Is the unborn part of the mother's body?"
Prolifers Don’t Care About Women? article - Randy Alcorn It’s possible to speak out about injustice without having a solution. However, I agree that those pointing out injustice should seek to be part of the solution.
Prayer Requires Christian Living article - Aurelius Augustine My brothers and sisters, Let us be wary of praying to Christ with our mouths but remaining mute in our life.
A. W. Tozer: Prayer article - A. W. Tozer Prayer among evangelical Christians is always in danger of degenerating into a glorified gold rush. Almost every book on prayer deals with the “get” element mainly.
Isn't Abortion a Matter of Right to Privacy? audio - Randy Alcorn Randy Alcorn answers the question, "Isn't Abortion a Matter of Right to Privacy?"