Prayer Is Primary article - Randy Alcorn Prayer is not the last recourse, when options run out; it’s the first and best recourse.
Setting a Reading Goal article - Trevin Wax Reading rates are down even as literacy rises. Americans can read; we just don’t. Christians tend to read more than non-Christian counterparts, but a quick glance at the book selection in your local Christian bookstore will deflate your bubble of joy.
Randy's Insights on Writing Inspirational Fiction article - Randy Alcorn I heard one author say, “Writing is like giving birth to barbed wire.” Others say writing is 5 percent inspiration and 95 percent perspiration.
Same Words, Different Meaning: Defining Truth in Postmodern Christianity article - Randy Alcorn What’s at stake in this issue is not merely different ideas on how we relate to culture or live out and share the faith—what is at stake is the faith itself, historic Christianity.
Is There a Connection Between Birth Control and Abortion? video - Randy Alcorn Randy Alcorn answers the question, "Is there a connection between the birth control pill and abortion?"
How God Uses Evil for Good video - Randy Alcorn In this interview, Randy Alcorn talks about how God uses evil for good.
C.S. Lewis's Influence on My Life and Writing, Part 2 article - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog In my last blog, I wrote about one of my three pilgrimages to Oxford. Each visit I’ve pondered what Lewis wrote: “You must picture me alone in that room in Magdalen…I gave in and admitted that God was God, and knelt and prayed: perhaps that night, the most dejected and reluctant convert in all of England.”
What Challenges Has Randy Alcorn Faced? video - Randy Alcorn Randy Alcorn talks about why he makes minimum wage and other challenges and opposition he's faced in the course of his life.
Are Young Prolife Evangelicals Inconsistent? video - Randy Alcorn In this video, Randy talks about young prolife evangelicals.
C. S. Lewis’s Influence on My Life and Writing, Part 1 article - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog Those who have read my books know that all of them have been touched in one way or another by C.S. Lewis, because ultimately the books we write are the overflow of the books we’ve read.
A Prayer for Christopher Hitchens article - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog I have read outspoken atheist Christopher Hitchens, listened to his debates, and attended a debate he was part of. I marveled that there are some Christians he seems to respect, while radically disagreeing with them.
Everyone We See Has a Story video - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog Check out this video produced by a company I really respect, Chick-fil-A. I think it’s very moving. It reminds me of the divine appointments God gives us daily.
Lecrae's "Don't Waste Your Life" video - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog At the end of tennis season I gave our six graduating seniors from the team I help coach a bag of books with a video and one CD, Rebel, by the rapper Lecrae.
Gifts in a Fallen World: An Email from Sono Harris article - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog Several people have asked me for copies of an email from Sono Harris that I read at her memorial service. Thought I should share it with more of you. No need to have known Sono in order to appreciate her words and her quotes from Thomas Brooks and John Newton.
So What Do You Guys Do at EPM? article - Kathy Norquist Randy's blog Since we get asked this question from time to time, and because we’re celebrating our 20th anniversary this year, we thought it might be fun to give you a sneak peek into the daily happenings at Eternal Perspective Ministries.