Atheism’s Foundation for Morality Is Built on Culture’s Shifting Sands

article - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog
Many years ago I took a sequence of college philosophy classes from a likable atheist. I found the ethics course most interesting. Every time it came to the question of why the professor believed something to be right or wrong, he could say only that it “seemed” to him to be best, it “seemed” to him to help the most people. In other words, it always boiled down to his personal preference.
Does God Have a Special Interest in the Lives of His Children?

Does God Have a Special Interest in the Lives of His Children?

article - Julia (Stager) Mayo, Stephanie Anderson
Randy wrote on his blog, “Christ watches closely what transpires on Earth, especially in the lives of God’s people." A reader responded: "Why especially in the lives of God's people? Does He not closely watch the lives of the non-believers? I'm sure that He does. We are all sinners alike. No one sinner is more beloved than the other. It seems that wording has placed a separation between non-believers and believers.”
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