Your Hands video - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog Listen to the words of this song, so beautifully sung by JJ Heller.
The Right Perspective on the Race article - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog Some of you are avid NASCAR fans; some of you know nearly nothing about it.
Is There a Connection Between The Chasm and Edge of Eternity? article - Eternal Perspective Ministries The Chasm was inspired by a few chapters in the middle of Randy’s novel Edge of Eternity, but is a much shorter book. It’s a standalone work that does not require any knowledge of the larger story
How Is Managing God’s Money Different from The Treasure Principle and Money, Possessions, and Eternity? article - Randy Alcorn Managing God’s Money is for those who want a complete treatment of biblical stewardship, but at one fourth the size of Money, Possessions and Eternity.
A Christ-Centered Marriage Is Christ-Centered Parenting article - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog I recently read what I would call a GREAT book on parenting: Gospel-Powered Parenting: How the Gospel Shapes and Transforms Parenting, William P. Farley (Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R Publishing, 2009).
Unity in Tough Times: Randy Alcorn at ICRS 2010 video - Randy Alcorn Randy Alcorn speaking at the 2010 International Christian Retailers' Show.
A Story about Makeup video - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog Hope you enjoy this video that was recorded during a break from a recent filming.
Grandson Ty Scores a Goal, and CBD Warehouse Sale This Weekend video - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog Saturday was our grandsons’ last soccer game this season.
Resources Related to Randy Alcorn’s We Shall See God: Charles Spurgeon’s Classic Devotional Thoughts on Heaven article - Randy Alcorn Bibliography of books authored by Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Select Works about Charles Spurgeon, and Logos Resources.
Generosity and the Younger Generations article - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog Earlier this year I spoke at the Clarus Conference in New Mexico, along with Wayne Grudem. At one of the sessions we talked about the topic of giving and generosity, especially related to the younger generations.
Useful Dog Tricks video - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog Nanci and I really enjoyed this video. Yes, predictably, it involves a dog! Great music, too.
What Is the Nature of Heavenly Treasures and Rewards? video - Randy Alcorn Randy Alcorn and Wayne Grudem answer Q&A questions at the 2010 Clarus Conference.
How Can Young People Plan for the Future? video - Randy Alcorn Randy Alcorn and Wayne Grudem answer Q&A questions at the 2010 Clarus Conference.
How Should Christians Think About Investing? video - Randy Alcorn Randy Alcorn and Wayne Grudem answer Q&A questions at the 2010 Clarus Conference.