What Hope Can Be Found in the Midst of a Miscarriage?

article - Randy Alcorn
A while back, my youngest daughter Angela, early in her pregnancy, lost her baby, our sixth grandchild. So heartbreaking, so many tears. We spent seven hours with her and her family the next day, hugging my girl and talking with my grandsons about where their sister or brother is. There are no words for times like this, as most of you know. I was still up at 2 AM the next morning, pondering it all, hoping Angie was asleep.
Where in the Bible Is Satan Called an Angel?

Where in the Bible Is Satan Called an Angel?

article - Randy Alcorn
Question from a reader: In The Goodness of God you wrote: “It’s misleading to say, ‘God created Satan and demons.’ Rather, God created Lucifer and other righteous angels, who later chose to rebel against God, and in so doing became Satan and demons… The great archangel who rebelled against his Creator is called the devil...” It seems you believe that Lucifer/Satan is or was an angel. Where in the Bible is Satan called an angel? 
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