Language as a Tool of Persuasion: Critical Discourse Analysis of Pro-choice and Pro-life News Articles

Language as a Tool of Persuasion: Critical Discourse Analysis of Pro-choice and Pro-life News Articles

article - Naila Bairamova Mitchell
Randy Alcorn was sent this research paper by Naila Bairamova Mitchell, a student at Portland State University in Portland, OR. We felt it was a balanced paper showing how language is used in persuasion in the abortion debate. It was also brave of Naila to choose abortion as the subject in a very liberal university and in a very liberal state. Abstract Language is a powerful tool that can be used to persuade and agitate. This article will be looking at the issue of abortion. Headlines from both pro-choice and pro-life news sources will be analyzed along with two contrasting ...

Why Every Prolife Church in Oregon Should Support the Petition to Stop Taxpayer Funding for Abortion

article - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog
There’s no sense in which the killing of children is a marginal issue that Scripture is indifferent to! Long before it was ever a political issue, it was a moral issue, and one which God has a clear and emphatic position on. We’re not dealing here with “one more social/political issue.” We’re dealing with a unique and focused evil in which Satan has deeply vested interests.
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