Endorsements and Book Reviews of Courageous

article - Multiple Readers
A page turner from the first chapter, the characters come alive as they struggle against the forces of evil as law enforcement officers and then against raging currents at home that take their children farther and farther away from them and from God.  -Dawn Cribbs I highly recommend this book to all readers, but especially to men out there who are fathers or who may be fathers one day. The book is sure to get your adrenaline pumping while it stirs your soul. 5 out of 5 stars. -J. Harder

Readers' Responses to We Shall See God

article - Multiple Readers
The book is simply fantastic! I loved it. I have read many devotional books. Always in the past Iwould read them quickly from start to finish in order, more like one would read a regular book. With We Shall See God, I read it as a devotional. I would read one or two of the devotional days (not necessarily in order, but according to which title sounded interesting) then I would ponder those thoughts all day long. This book made me want to read more books by Mr. Alcorn. —C.Y.
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