Why Didn't You Convert the Detective at the End of Deception?

Why Didn't You Convert the Detective at the End of Deception?

article - Randy Alcorn
Mainly because I didn't want it to be predictable. I've had people come to faith in my books, some do, some don't, as in real life. I left Ollie unconverted but asking questions. Who knows what will happen in future novels (I don't), but conversion isn't necessary for a story to work and raise questions. I wanted unbelieving readers to feel, "Ollie, open your eyes!" Then say, "oh, maybe I should open MY eyes."  
Endorsements and Book Reviews of Eternal Perspectives

Endorsements and Book Reviews of Eternal Perspectives

article - Multiple Readers
This is the “ultimate resource” on Heaven outside the Bible. I think it would be especially useful for pastors and writers. However, it’s also a fun book to read whether you select topics of interest or read from cover-to-cover. This quote from J.C. Ryle summarizes it well. “Before we go to our eternal home we should try to become acquainted with it.” As always, with this author, his book is a 12+ on a scale of 1-10.  Gail Welborn, as posted on Examiner.com and Goodreads
Was the Scene of the Demon-Possessed Buddhist Monk in Safely Home Inspired by a True Story?

Was the Scene of the Demon-Possessed Buddhist Monk in Safely Home Inspired by a True Story?

article - Randy Alcorn
Question from a reader: I recently hosted a book club for Safely Home. Most people really enjoyed it, and it seemed to give everyone a lot of food for thought on Heaven. But the one complaint I heard several times was the part about the Buddhist monk who appears to be demon possessed. People said they felt it was too forced and bizarre. Can you give any insight as to where that scene comes from? Randy, did you know of a particular event like this?
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