Why Abortion Isn’t Just a Political Issue: the Profound Significance of Oregon’s New Law Mandating Taxpayer Funded Elective Abortions

article - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog
Sadly, my home state of Oregon, which I love in so many ways, legalized abortion four years before Roe v. Wade, and we were the first state, in fact the first principality in the world to legalize physician assisted suicide. As if this weren’t enough for Oregon to be famous for, last month, Governor Kate Brown signed House Bill 3391, making Oregon the only state in the U.S. without any laws that restrict or limit abortion, and one of only a handful of states that chooses to use taxpayer money to pay for elective abortions. 
Language as a Tool of Persuasion: Critical Discourse Analysis of Pro-choice and Pro-life News Articles

Language as a Tool of Persuasion: Critical Discourse Analysis of Pro-choice and Pro-life News Articles

article - Naila Bairamova Mitchell
Randy Alcorn was sent this research paper by Naila Bairamova Mitchell, a student at Portland State University in Portland, OR. We felt it was a balanced paper showing how language is used in persuasion in the abortion debate. It was also brave of Naila to choose abortion as the subject in a very liberal university and in a very liberal state. Abstract Language is a powerful tool that can be used to persuade and agitate. This article will be looking at the issue of abortion. Headlines from both pro-choice and pro-life news sources will be analyzed along with two contrasting ...

Why Every Prolife Church in Oregon Should Support the Petition to Stop Taxpayer Funding for Abortion

article - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog
There’s no sense in which the killing of children is a marginal issue that Scripture is indifferent to! Long before it was ever a political issue, it was a moral issue, and one which God has a clear and emphatic position on. We’re not dealing here with “one more social/political issue.” We’re dealing with a unique and focused evil in which Satan has deeply vested interests.