In Many States, You Can’t Get a Routine Surgery or a Colonoscopy Right Now, But You Can Still Get an Abortion

article - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog
LifeNews has a list of the U.S. states that have shut down abortion clinics right now, and the states that are still allowing them to operate. The list doesn’t include the status of my home state of Oregon, but one clinic in Portland says on their website, “[We believe] it is our responsibility to stay open so that we may continue to provide safe and legal abortions.” 

Why We Rescued, and the Encouraging Growth of the Prolife Movement in the Thirty Years Since

article - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog
It is, admittedly, difficult for many people in 2020 to understand our actions then, as there is much that has been lost in translation or misunderstood over the past thirty years (indeed, our involvement was greatly misunderstood by many even back in the day). I hope the following will provide some further clarification for those who wonder, “What exactly did you do, and why were you compelled to do it?” and “Was it worth it, and if so, why doesn’t rescuing happen now?”