Will There Be Animals in Heaven? article - Randy Alcorn If the New Earth is all the best of the old earth and more, then we should expect it to contain animals.
Will Old Testament Saints Appear Before the Judgment Seat of Christ? article - Randy Alcorn Since Christ is the judge and king, very likely he is the member of the Godhead that OT saints would stand before.
Will the New Earth Be a Return to Eden and Will We Become like Adam and Eve Were? article - Randy Alcorn Returning to the prefall-Adamic state is not our destiny. The glorification we'll experience in the resurrected state will entail the righteousness of Christ which is far beyond the innocence known by Adam and Eve. But the Curse placed on the Earth because of the fall will be removed and the natural world will have an Eden-like quality, as we see from Revelation where the Tree of Life that was in Eden will be on the New Earth.
Will There Be Privacy in Heaven? article - Randy Alcorn The existence of our own individual dwelling places implies privacy. We are also told Christ will give new names to the righteous, known only between him and them (Rev. 2:17).
Will There Be Seas as We Know Them in Heaven? article - Randy Alcorn The point isn’t that God had not created the seas. The point is that the seas (or oceans) as we now know them may be radically different than the original seas
Will We (or Our Loved Ones) Become Angels When We Go to Heaven? article - Randy Alcorn No. Angels and human beings are entirely different creatures.
Will Infants Who Die Continue to Be Infants on the New Earth, or Will They Grow Up? Will Everyone Appear to Be the Same Age at the Resurrection? article - Randy Alcorn Will infants who die continue to be infants on the New Earth, or will they grow up? Will everyone appear to be the same age at the resurrection?
Will Time No Longer Exist in Heaven? article - Randy Alcorn Whether or not Heaven operates outside the scope of earth’s time sequence, clearly the inhabitants of Heaven track with events happening in time (Rev. 2-3).
Will the Holy Spirit Have a Function in the New Heaven? article - Randy Alcorn Clearly, since the Holy Spirit is a member of the triune God, He will be present for all eternity, no doubt taking an active role in the creation and among God’s people. However, the Bible doesn’t specifically answer the question of exactly what His role will be.
Will There Be Marriage in Heaven? article - Randy Alcorn In Heaven there will be one marriage, not many. That marriage will be what earthly marriage symbolized and pointed to, the marriage of Christ to his bride. So we will all be married—but to Christ.
Will Heaven Really Change Locations? article - Randy Alcorn The current Heaven is in the angelic realm, distinctly separate from earth (though likely having more earthly qualities than we often assume). But the future Heaven will be in the human realm, on earth.
Why I'm a Big Fan of Hell article - Gary Thomas Ultimately, it all comes down to this: Any attack on hell is ultimately an attack on the God who created it, and the Scriptures that describe it. Attacking hell, though popular and seemingly compassionate, is not a parlor game; it is a full frontal assault on God's goodness, sovereignty, lordship and love. That's why I hope you become just as big a fan of hell as I am.
Why Is Resurrection So Important? article - Randy Alcorn The physical resurrection of Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of redemption—both for mankind and for the earth. Indeed, without Christ’s resurrection and what it means—an eternal future for fully restored human beings dwelling on a fully restored Earth—there is no Christianity.
Why Doesn't God Allow a Window Period of Repentance from Hades? article - Marshall Beretta If God wants all willing persons to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth, why does not He allow a window period of repentance from Hades?
Why Don't We View Heaven More Accurately? Shouldn't We Be Preaching More on This Subject? article - Randy Alcorn May you use the platform God has given you to help the body of Christ see that the purpose-driven life lasts forever, and the central purpose doesn’t change.