Speaking Engagement Requests

Thank you for your inquiry into Randy Alcorn's availability to speak at your gathering. He is humbled and appreciative that you desire him for your event.

Here are some things to be aware of when extending an invitation to Randy:

  • Randy considers himself primarily a writer who sometimes speaks. Because he believes God has called him to write, he has to decline about 98% of all speaking requests in order to have the necessary time to write, as well as direct the ministry of EPM.
  • In light of his limited speaking availability, it has become necessary to accept invitations for events that will have the furthest reaching impact. Frequent requests come to him for men's retreats, family camps, banquets and church services and he must turn down virtually all of these. The reason isn't because he doesn't believe in the strategic kingdom value of these things, but mainly because he feels others are more gifted in these arenas than he is. He's learned that he needs to say yes only to those things God has uniquely prepared and called him to do.
  • Another factor Randy must consider is East Coast travel. He lives on the West Coast, so it’s much more difficult to spend two full days of travel for an event. His sleep and eating patterns are more directly affected because of being insulin-dependent diabetic.

He is rarely able to travel and speak internationally.

If after reading the above you feel your invitation is one of the very few that Randy will be able to give serious consideration to, you can contact us with your requests. Please include as much detail about your event as possible.

God bless you and your ministry. Regardless of Randy's involvement, may God give you just the right speaker for your event.