Spiritual Warfare in Scripture article - Randy Alcorn Passages regarding Spiritual warfare in Scripture, arranged by Randy Alcorn.
What Does Romans 8:28 Really Mean? article - Randy Alcorn When you use this powerfully explosive verse (and you should use it), handle it with care.
How Could Lucifer Have Sinned? article - Randy Alcorn God gave Lucifer a capacity of true free choice which involved the possibility of sin. It is possible for a being with free choice—even living in a perfect environment and without having some exterior temptation, such as Satan provided for Adam and Eve in the garden—to make a choice contrary to God’s will.
How Can I Research the Identity of a Particular Demon? Should I? article - Marshall Beretta I believe you are quite correct to say that you are hesitant to “invite darkness” by pursuing a perceived demon. This is an area of spirituality that no one should ever “pursue” out of curiosity.
Have You Ever Been Aware of the Presence of Demons or Angels? article - Randy Alcorn As for righteous angels, I’ll never forget driving too fast as a teenager, looking down at something that distracted me, and then looking up to see all yellow in front of me.
Crisis & Tragedy article - Randy Alcorn Some crises turn out well. The loved one recovers from the accident, the son comes to Christ, the daughter comes home. We may clearly see God’s hand in allowing the whole ordeal to happen. Other times the crisis ends in apparent tragedy.
Big Life Issues: Randy Alcorn's Message with Pastor Greg Laurie at Harvest Christian Fellowship video - Randy Alcorn Pastor Greg Laurie interviews Randy Alcorn on the subject of evil and suffering, and Heaven.
With Greg Laurie and Harvest Fellowship, on Heaven and Suffering video - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog Sunday morning, March 7, I was with Greg Laurie and Harvest Fellowship in Riverside, California. Greg interviewed me about Heaven, and evil and suffering, and we opened the Word together. We did something similar last Thursday night in Orange County.
Can Satan and Demons Read Our Minds? article - Randy Alcorn First, we know demons aren’t omniscient, since they’re just angels, created finite beings, and angels don’t know a lot of things, including the time of Christ’s return (Mark 13:32).
Can We Trust Books that Talk About Demons and State Exact Words They Actually Say? article - Randy Alcorn I have read books by Christians who offer insights on demons that go way beyond Scripture. Usually this is based on personal experiences. Some have gotten a good deal of “information” from being present at exorcisms.
Can Spiritual Battles and Demonic Attacks Exist in Our Dreams? article - Gerry Breshears Demon assault can be very real. They took on Paul and Jesus, so it's not necessarily a matter of some sin that's giving entrance, as many say.
Lord Foulgrin’s Letters: Randy Alcorn’s Comments article - Randy Alcorn Lord Foulgrin’s Letters is designed to help you, the reader, know God, know yourself, and know your enemy.
Quotes Regarding Spiritual Warfare article - John Piper, Amy Carmichael Most people show by their priorities and their casual approach to spiritual things that they believe we are in peacetime, not wartime.
Giving Comfort to Hurting People article - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog To ignore someone’s pain is to add to that pain. Instead of fearing we’ll say the wrong thing, we should reach out to hurting people. Many times it’s better just to put our arms around someone and cry with them; people almost always appreciate it when you acknowledge their loss.
Dalai Lama, Seen through the Eyes of a Chinese Christian article - Randy Alcorn Two segments from the novel Safely Home, by Randy Alcorn