Providing Clean, Safe Drinking Water Opens the Door to Sharing about Living Water

article - Scott Linebrink Randy's blog
I love Water Mission, and it’s an organization that Eternal Perspective Ministries is thrilled to support. I asked Scott Linebrink, a Major League baseball pitcher for twelve years who now serves as Partnerships Director for Water Mission, if he would share about why he believes so much in their work to provide communities with clean drinking water. I really appreciate what Scott wrote.

A Doctor Gives a Dying Woman the Gospel Message, and Why We Offer Both Physical and Spiritual Care in Christ’s Name

video - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog
Dr. Geoffrey Moses, serving with his family in a country in West Africa, is a medical missionary who has received loan help through MedSend. They recently sent this short and deeply touching video featuring him. Dr. Moses details what happened when he met a woman in a remote village in Western Africa who had metastatic breast cancer that had gone undiagnosed and untreated.

Local Churches Are an Essential Part of God’s Plan to Reach the World through Missions

video - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog
I am still part of the same church a small group of us started forty-four years ago. Since the church began, several thousand people have gone out in summer missions. Consequently, our congregation is filled with world Christians who know our missionaries personally, pray for them regularly, and give to missions more generously. The eternal dividends far outweigh the short-term costs.