Why I Signed the Nashville Statement: It Speaks the Truth in Love about the Biblical View of Human Sexuality

article - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog
If you follow social media and news online, you’ve likely heard about the Nashville Statement, put together by The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. Along with several dozen other Christian leaders, I’m one of the initial signatories of this statement, which seeks to provide a Christ-honoring and biblically faithful standard on homosexuality and transgenderism.

Transgenderism, Outdoor School Policies, and How Christian Families Might Respond

article - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog
Now that nationwide legalized homosexual marriage is here, it has broken down many restraining walls in our society. Consider the speed at which transgenderism and gender identity have grabbed hold of our culture, and even the world of our children and grandchildren. Christian families in my hometown of Gresham, Oregon are feeling some of those effects after reading Oregon’s new public school policies regarding transgender students.
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