I'm Concerned How Young Women Are Dressing These Days, Especially Christian Young Women. What's Going on?

I'm Concerned How Young Women Are Dressing These Days, Especially Christian Young Women. What's Going on?

article - Karina (Alcorn) Franklin
Modesty is not a characteristic of women in our culture (and even in our churches!) And, it’s not just an issue for young women, although that is a time when women often develop their habits and lifestyles. Unfortunately, there are so many moms and even grandmas who don’t seem to have a grasp on the issue. The sad thing is that according to Titus 2:3-5, one of the things the older women are to teach the younger women is how to be pure (or chaste) so that the word of God will not be blasphemed. And 1 Peter 3 ...
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