How Does the Gospel Give Us Hope for Change in the Area of Sexual Purity?

video - Randy Alcorn
Pure Desire Ministries and The Barna group hosted the Pure Desire Summit in September 2024 to share new research about the effects of pornography and for the purpose of “coming together to celebrate recovery and healing from unwanted sexual behavior and betrayal trauma.” Randy was invited to participate in a panel discussion and to share his understanding of the nature of sexual sin and how we can help our brothers and sisters who struggle in this area.  In this clip he answers the question: How does the gospel give us hope for change in the area of sexual purity?

A Doctor Gives a Dying Woman the Gospel Message, and Why We Offer Both Physical and Spiritual Care in Christ’s Name

video - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog
Dr. Geoffrey Moses, serving with his family in a country in West Africa, is a medical missionary who has received loan help through MedSend. They recently sent this short and deeply touching video featuring him. Dr. Moses details what happened when he met a woman in a remote village in Western Africa who had metastatic breast cancer that had gone undiagnosed and untreated.
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