If You Don’t Really Need Your Stimulus, Would You Prayerfully Consider Giving It to God’s Kingdom?

article - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog
There are many Americans who are anticipating receiving their coronavirus stimulus from the government because they truly need the money in order to pay bills and care for their families right now. But if you’re in a position where this money would just go into your savings account or to fund wants but not needs, I would like to make what might seem to be a radical suggestion. 

Joy Is Found in Being Rich in Good Works: Tom and Bree Hsieh’s Story

article - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog
Tom Hsieh worked for a successful network and communications provider, and he later became CEO and co-owner of a telecom consulting firm. Tom and his wife, Bree, chose to live in Pomona, California, then the fourth-largest city in LA County—and the second poorest. They decided to live at or below the median household income there in order to fit in with the neighbors they wanted to reach. 
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