Reflecting on Three Years Since Nanci Went to Be with Jesus

This Friday, March 28, is the anniversary of Nanci’s homegoing. It’s hard to believe it’s been three years since she went to be with Jesus. I miss her every day, and am so thankful the great reunion awaits.

Nanci was diagnosed with colon cancer in early 2018 and began a journal soon after. Her journals have so much Scripture and so many great quotations (especially from Charles Spurgeon) woven into them, way more than personal details of her battle with cancer. In her own words, and also through the words of others, she expresses the depth of her trust in the love and sovereignty of God. She is a wonderful example of seeking comfort and perspective in God’s solid truth.

Charles Spurgeon wrote in The Treasury of David, his commentary on the Psalms: “It would be better if we read our own diaries more often, especially noting the hand of the Lord in helping us in suffering, want, labour, or dilemma. This is the grand use of memory, to furnish us with proofs of the Lord’s faithfulness, and lead us onward to a growing confidence in Him.”

Just weeks before she died Nanci wrote, “I am once again facing situations which challenge my trust in God’s plan. My trust has not wavered, but quieting my heart in preparation for yet more unforeseen complications and procedures is difficult. So much already on my plate and now more! I really don’t doubt God’s purposes in His plan for me. But I need renewed mercy and endurance. Help always comes when needed… I can trust that the help I need for future situations will arrive right on time. (It certainly did!)”

People ask me if we will publish her journal, and I do hope to eventually use portions from it in some form, combined with my blogs about her last four years, and my own grief journey. For now, I encourage readers to see this index of what I’ve written on loss, grief, eternal hope, and Nanci’s life and homecoming. There are links to several blogs with wonderful insights written by her.

I’ve had many opportunities to share about Nanci, a biblical perspective on grief, and finding solid hope and healing in Jesus. Most recently, I was on my friend Brad Formsma’s podcast The WOW Factor, and we had a great conversation. I said a number of things in this interview that I haven’t said in prior ones, and hopefully this will be of help to many listeners.

Do consider getting my booklet Grieving with Hope. I have had several people tell me God has used it to minister deeply to them as they deal with loss and grief. Every reader and listener who has experienced the death of their spouse, child, or dearest friend is in my heart and prayers as I write these words.

Randy Alcorn (@randyalcorn) is the author of over sixty books and the founder and director of Eternal Perspective Ministries
