Knowing Our Ultimate Destination Is the New Earth Changes Everything

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Two years ago, I did an interview with Davey Blackburn, who hosts the Nothing Is Wasted Podcast. Both of us have wives who died: Davey’s wife Kristi was murdered, and Nanci had passed away from cancer. (Read more about his story.) We talked about the sovereignty and love of God, as well as the New Earth, and the need to lose our faith if our faith is in the wrong God, a nonexistent God.

I think because the conversation was between two people who have experienced suffering and the death of a spouse, I felt like God's Spirit was present in an unusual way during the interview. I acknowledge that Davey’s circumstances were different than mine, and in ways, surely his suffering was greater; and of course, I am old and Davey is young. Still, we are two brothers seeking to trust Christ with our suffering and “looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells” (2 Peter 3:13).

You can watch the whole interview here.

And here is a 15-minute clip where we discuss what it will be like to live on the New Earth—and how looking forward to resurrected life shapes how we view this present life under the curse:

Randy Alcorn (@randyalcorn) is the author of over sixty books and the founder and director of Eternal Perspective Ministries
