Question from a reader:
What do you think about treasured family heirlooms? Do you believe they could go with us into eternity?
Answer from Eternal Perspective Ministries:
That’s a thought-provoking question.
We know that this world in its present form, and everything in it, will one day be burned up (2 Peter 3:10). We also know that in Christ we have an inheritance that “can never perish, spoil, or fade” (1 Peter 1:4). That is truly our greatest family heirloom! We are called to invest in Heaven and send our treasures on ahead of us, since earthly things will not last (Matthew 6:19-24).
However, talking about books in Heaven, Randy writes this:
In the Heaven book I cite Scripture which talks of things we do in this world that are of lasting value, which will exist for eternity. While it may be only the reward itself that is eternal, God is fully capable of resurrecting or recreating inanimate objects such as books, or of having books rewritten under the insight of His presence. Would it be so unlike our God to raise or recreate the original Guttenberg Bible? Or Tyndale’s or Luther’s? Will the eternal state be so disconnected from our lives here that such objects would be irrelevant and unappreciated and would not prompt us to worship God for His grace at work on the old earth?
So we will have to wait and see. Certainly, we won’t be sad or disappointed or feel like we’re missing something when we’re in Heaven. We’ll see clearly that Christ is our greatest treasure!