Where Should I Give If I Can’t in Good Conscience Give to My Church?

Question from a reader:

I am reading Randy’s book Money, Possessions, and Eternity. I’m looking for guidelines on giving back and tithing as I’m torn what to do. I attend a church in my area that had some issues using money, and the pastor at the time was asked to leave. I also many years ago was sucked into a scam where the pastor ended in prison. I want to give back, but I don’t know what to do. I have been sewing quilts and giving them to who needs them. I am trying to live a life of glory to God, but to give back, does it have to go to a church? Or does giving to people in need count?  

Answer from Stephanie Anderson, EPM staff:

That is wonderful that you are reading Money, Possessions, and Eternity!

I’m sorry to hear about those painful situations that have affected you related to your church and that scam; your wariness is understandable. It sounds like you have a new pastor now; I assume that things are going better, and your church is in a healthier place?

Randy does encourage readers to start by giving to their local church where they are taught God’s Word, enjoy the fellowship of God’s people, and work together to take the gospel to the world. Secondarily, someone may choose to support other church groups and missionaries which share the gospel and help the needy. As he shares in the book you’re reading, there’s something powerful about money that indicates where our hearts are at.

I don't know whether this would apply to your situation or not, but he also writes, “If you still cannot in good conscience give regularly and substantially to your church, perhaps it’s time to ask God for help finding a church where you can give as He has directed.”

Here are some resources from Randy/our ministry you might like to read and prayerfully consider:

Should the Local Church Receive Peoples’ Tithes Before Other Worthy Needs?

Can My Church Tithe Be Given in Part as Gifts or Time Instead of Money?

How Can I Tithe When I Am Financially Strapped and Have Nothing Extra to Give? Does God Expect Me to Still Tithe?

Is One Required to Tithe Money If They Have No Financial Income?

I love that Randy writes, “God’s goal is that your life would be lived by the grace of Jesus.” When we are so captured by that grace, it’s not a chore or burden to give–it’s pure joy. I’ve had tastes of that personally and long to grow in this area of my life as well.

I also love that you are sewing and giving away those items to those in need. I would encourage you—don’t stop! But also seek the Lord and ask Him how He may want you to expand your giving. He promises to give us wisdom when we ask (James 1:5). He is so good.

And He will certainly answer your prayer to live a life that glorifies Him!

Photo: Unsplash

Stephanie Anderson is the communications and graphics specialist at Eternal Perspective Ministries. 
