What Happens to Our Beloved Pets When They Pass Away?

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Question from a reader:

Your book Heaven helped me through a dark time in my life, gave me lots of hope, and has made me more excited for Heaven than I’ve ever been! I especially love that you cover the concept of whether animals will be in Heaven, and I now believe and have a lot of hope that I will see my past dogs on the New Earth.

We recently lost one of our dogs in a tragic way. I’ve noticed you talk about animals and pets being on the New Earth, but I am wondering what your thoughts are on what happens to one of our beloved dogs when they initially pass away? I don’t want to think his spirit is sleeping until the New Earth comes, because that means he transitioned from his suffering into nothingness and that is the last thing he experienced. I want to believe that he went from his suffering immediately to being with our Lord.

Answer from Eternal Perspective Ministries:

We’re so sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved dog. In writing about animals and Heaven, Randy’s focus is the New Earth, after the resurrection. He believes from his research into the Biblical texts it’s quite possible we might see our pets again.

When it comes to the Present Heaven, we are not given that information in God’s Word. Randy says that from his study of Scripture, it is certain that there are some animals in the Present Heaven (i.e., the “four living creatures”). Whether or not those include animals who have died is not clear to him.

You referenced your dog’s spirit, and we wanted to mention this, since many Christians have been taught that animals do not have souls: although animals are not created in God’s image as distinct from humans, Genesis uses the same word, nephesh, to refer to the “breath of life” that both humans and animals are given by God. When it’s used of Adam, it’s historically been translated “living soul,” and when it’s used of animals, it’s been translated as “living creature.” However, it’s the same Hebrew word that’s used of both. So there is good reason to think that animals do have a spirit/soul, an animating force given by God that distinguishes them from the rest of the material but inanimate world God made (though again, they are not made in God’s image).

You mentioned wondering about your pet’s spirit sleeping until the resurrection and the thought bothering you. Writing on this subject, Randy conjectures:

Perhaps, unlike human souls which go immediately into the presence of God at death, their animals’ souls sleep or at least remain unconscious. The soul sleep that is talked about for humans doesn’t happen, since “to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord” and “today you will be in Paradise.” But there are no texts that deny the possibility of soul sleep for animals, who could die on the earth under the Curse, and be made to live again on the New Earth.

If this is true—if God re-creates them—their next conscious thought could be in a world without suffering and death. The beauty of this picture for animals who lived short and often miserable lives, especially in the wild, is stunning indeed.

Bottom line, we can’t know for sure. But this we do know for sure—our life in God's presence will be fullness of joy. Upon our deaths, we’ll be face to face with goodness Himself, and we’ll be able to ask Jesus our questions directly. And for now, we can rest in His character: His goodness, mercy, kindness, and abundant grace. He is trustworthy. "Yahweh is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made" (Psalm 145:9). “In his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind” (Job 12:10). There are no better hands for us (and all creation) to rest in.

Joni Eareckson Tada says, “If God brings our pets back to life, it wouldn’t surprise me. It would be just like him. It would be totally in keeping with his generous character. . . Exorbitant. Excessive. Extravagant in grace after grace. Of all the dazzling discoveries and ecstatic pleasures heaven will hold for us, the potential of seeing Scrappy would be pure whimsy—utterly, joyfully, surprisingly superfluous. . . Heaven is going to be a place that will refract and reflect in as many ways as possible the goodness of joy of our great God, who delights in lavishing love on his children.”

Randy’s wife Nanci, now with Jesus, wrote the following after the loss of their dog Maggie. We hope her words might be helpful:

I have finally reached a conviction in my heart and mind regarding our pets on the New Earth. Here is what I know to be true:

There will be a resurrection someday of God’s creation to compose the New Earth.

Part of God’s creation are animals.

God, in His sovereign, wise, and loving plan, has chosen from eternity past those who are His from all of creation to dwell with Him forever.

Everything and everyone that will be with God for eternity will bring joy and purpose to everyone.

I will be fully satisfied and filled with joy over every choice of God on the New Earth.

I can trust God that His choices are all-wise and all-loving.

I will take comfort in this.

Perhaps you’ve already seen this on our website, but here are some videos and resources from Randy related to this subject.

God bless you and your family, as you grieve your loss, and trust Jesus to care for you—now and forever.
