Je, Usimamizi Wenye Mtazamo wa Milele Ni Nini? (What Is Eternity-Minded Stewardship?)

Kuhusu suala la pesa na mali, Biblia wakati mwingine huonyesha msimamo mkali sana na wa kushtua. Tunaposoma Maandiko, ni kwa ajili ya kupata faraja, si kwa ajili ya kukabiliwa na mashambulizi dhidi ya mtazamo wetu wa ulimwengu, sivyo? Acha Mungu azungumze kuhusu upendo na neema, hiyo ni sawa. Lakini sisi tuzungumze kuhusu pesa na mali— kisha tuzifanyie chochote tunachotaka.

Kama tungekuwa wakweli hivyo ndivyo wengi wetu wangesema.

Waumini wengine huulizana maswali magumu: “Je, umekuwa ukitumia muda katika Neno? Je, unashiriki imani yako? Unalinda usafi wako wa kingono?” Lakini ni mara ngapi tunauliza, “Je, unashinda vita dhidi ya tamaa ya mali ya dunia? Au “Je, umekuwa ukitazama majarida na tovuti za kukutia majaribuni? Unajua, zile zinazokushawishi kuwa na tamaa?”

Watu wako wazi zaidi kuhusu matatizo yao ya kingono kuliko matatizo yao kuhusiana na tamaa ya mali, ambalo huenda ndilo jambo lililosalia wanalopaswa kushughulikia. Baadhi ya makanisa huzungumza kuhusu kuondoka katika madeni. Napongeza hilo. Lakini unaweza kuondoka katika madeni na bado usalie kuwa bahili na mwenye tamaa. Hatuhitaji kuwa watu wanaopenda mali wenye maarifa zaidi; tunahitaji kutubu kwa ajili ya kupenda mali na kuwa wasimamizi wenye maarifa.

Yesu anaona mioyo yetu na anatujua vizuri. Hawaamuru wanafunzi watoe kila kitu. Anatuamuru tuchukue hatua kali zinazovunja utumwa wetu kwa pesa na mali, na hivyo kutuweka huru kuishi chini ya utawala wake. Anatuamuru sisi sote kutupilia mbali hazina zote zisizo muhimu ili tupate kumwinua yeye kama hazina yetu kuu. Ikiwa tunathamini kitu chochote au mtu yeyote kuliko Mungu, basi sisi si wanafunzi wake.                                 

Tunachofanya na pesa zetu hakionyeshi tu mahali moyo wetu ulipo. Kulingana na Yesu, tunachofanya na pesa zetu huamua mahali moyo wetu unaenda. Ikiwa mioyo yetu ipo mahali hazina yetu ilipo (Mathayo 6:19-21), basi tunapohamisha hazina yetu mahali pengine, mioyo yetu hufuata. Huu ni ukweli wa kuvutia. Ikiwa nataka moyo wangu uwe mahali fulani, ninahitaji kuweka pesa zangu mahali hapo.

Wakati watu walimuuliza Yohana Mbatizaji kile wanachopaswa kufanya ili kuzaa matunda ya toba, aliwaambia washiriki mavazi na chakula chao na maskini. Kisha akawaagiza watoza ushuru wasikusanye na kuweka mfukoni pesa za ziada. Hatimaye, aliwaambia askari wasitoze watu pesa kwa lazima na kuwashtaki kwa uongo, na waridhike na mishahara yao (Luka 3:7-14).

Hakuna mtu yeyote aliyemuuliza Yohana kuhusu pesa na mali. Hata hivyo majibu yake yalionyesha kuwa Yohana hangeweza kuzungumza kuhusu mabadiliko ya kiroho bila kuzungumzia jinsi watu wanavyoshughulikia mali.

Ikiwa Yohana Mbatizaji angetutembelea leo, angefikia mahitimisho gani kuhusu mitazamo na matendo yetu kuhusu pesa na mali? Je, ushahidi ambao angeona ungemshawishi kwamba sisi ni wafuasi wa kweli wa Yesu? Au angetuona kama watu waliobatizwa lakini bado wanafanana na wapenda mali wabinafsi wa dunia hii?

Mkurugenzi wa Microsoft Tricia Mayer aliniandikia akisema, “Usimamizi ni maisha ya Kikristo. Unahusu kile tunachofanya na rasilimali zote tulizopewa, kila siku tunapotembea duniani, na kila uhusiano tulio nao. Jukumu gumu la usimamizi ni kuwa na nidhamu na nia ya kusimamia tatizo linaloitwa pesa.”

Msimamizi anakabidhiwa utajiri au mali isiyo yake. Ni wajibu wake kusimamia mali hiyo kwa manufaa ya mmiliki, na kulingana na matakwa yaliyotajwa ya mmiliki. Mungu ametupatia uzima, muda, talanta, fedha, mali, familia na neema yake. Katika kila moja ya hali hizo, yeye hutathmini kile tunachofanya na kile alichotukabidhi.

Msimamizi hupewa na mmiliki rasilimali za kutosha na mamlaka ya kutekeleza majukumu yake maalum. Katika suala la usimamizi wa kifedha, Mungu hajatukabidhi orodha ya ukaguzi ya kutuongoza. Badala yake, ametupatia katika Neno lake kanuni za usimamizi mzuri wa fedha—kanuni tunazopaswa kuzichunguza kwa makini. Msimamizi anayewajibika hushauriana na Mmiliki, akitafuta mwongozo wake. Hiyo inahitaji ufahamu na hekima ya kiwango cha juu kuliko yetu. Maandiko yanasema, “Kama mtu yeyote miongoni mwenu amepungukiwa na hekima na amwombe Mungu, yeye awapaye watu wote kwa ukarimu wala hana kinyongo, naye atapewa” (Yakobo 1:5).

Je, kweli unatamani hekima na uwezo wa Mungu katika kufanya maamuzi magumu ya usimamizi (na kutathmini moyo wako mwenyewe)? Basi omba. Mungu hatakuacha gizani. Amekupa Neno Lake na Roho wake ili kukuongoza.

  • Lakini kumbukeni Bwana Mungu wenu, ndiye ambaye huwapa uwezo wa kupata utajiri (Kumbukumbu la Torati 8:18).
  • BWANA humfanya mtu maskini naye hutajirisha, hushusha na hukweza (1 Samweli 2:7).
  • Utajiri na heshima vyatoka kwako; wewe ndiwe utawalaye vitu vote (1 Mambo ya Nyakati 29:12).

Usimamizi ni kuishi katika nuru ya kweli hizi. Ni kuishi kwa kufahamu kwamba sisi ni wasimamizi, si wamiliki, wa kile ambacho Mungu ametukabidhi kwa msimu huu mfupi. Jinsi tunavyoshughulikia pesa na mali huonyesha ni nani hasa tunaamini ndiye mmiliki halisi wa vitu hivyo—Mungu au sisi.

John Wesley alitoa maswali manne ili kusaidia kuamua jinsi ya kutumia pesa. Angalia jinsi maswali matatu ya mwisho yanatokana moja kwa moja na swali la kwanza:

  • Katika kutumia pesa hizi, je, ninatenda kana kwamba mimi ndiye ninazimiliki, au ninatenda kama msimamizi wa Bwana?
  • Ni Maandiko gani yananihitaji kutumia pesa hizi kwa njia hii?
  • Je, ninaweza kuacha kufanya ununuzi huu kama dhabihu kwa Bwana?
  • Je, Mungu atanipa thawabu kwa ajili ya matumizi haya ya pesa katika ufufuo wa wenye haki?

Ikiwa kweli tunaamini kwamba Mungu ndiye mmiliki wa kila kitu, si tunapaswa kumuuliza mara kwa mara, “Unataka nifanye nini na pesa na mali yako?” Na si tunapaswa kuwa wazi kwa uwezekano kwamba anaweza kututaka tushiriki sehemu kubwa ya mali yake na wale ambao mahitaji yao ni makubwa kuliko yetu?

Nilizungumza na mwanamume mmoja ambaye alisoma The Treasure Principle,kitabu changu kuhusu kutoa. Anamiliki biashara yenye faida na anaamini kwa mara ya kwanza kwamba anajua ni kwa nini Mungu amembariki kifedha. Si ili aweze kuendesha magari mazuri na kuishi katika nyumba ya kifahari. Ni ili aweze kutoa pesa hizo kujenga ufalme wa Mungu. Nilimwambia kuhusu vikundi mbalimbali vya misheni na miradi ya kupinga utoaji mimba, na njia za kuwasaidia Wakristo wanaoteswa. Natamani ungesikia msisimko katika sauti yake alipokuwa akiondoka akiwa amedhamiria kuuza mali nyingi zaidi za kidunia na kutumia pesa hizo kupanua kwa kiasi kikubwa uwekezaji wake utakaodumu milele!

Mtu huyo alitekeleza dhamira yake, na ametoa zaidi na zaidi kadiri miaka inavyopita. Hasiti wala hahisi kuwa na hatia. Amewekwa huru kutokana na utumwa wa kupenda mali ya dunia, na anafurahia sana kufanya kile kilicho muhimu! Yeye ni kama mtu aliypata hazina ya thamani kubwa iliyofichwa shambani, “Kisha katika furaha yake, akaenda akauza vyote alivyokuwa navyo, akalinunua lile shamba” (Mathayo 13:44). Je, tutamhurumia mtu huyo kwa kuuza kila kitu ili kununua shamba hilo? La! Tutatamani kuwa katika nafasi yake kwa ajili ya hazina na furaha aliyopata.

Ikiwa Mungu anazunguma nawe, sikiliza. Wakati wa kusadikishwa hupita haraka sana. Kamwe usicheleweshe utiifu. Mara tu tunaposimama mbele ya kiti Chake cha enzi, tutakuwa tumeshachelewa sana kiasi kwamba hatutaweza kurudi nyuma na kudai fursa tulizopoteza katika maisha yetu yote. Tukitazama uso wa Kristo tunayemthamini, tutajua jinsi tulivyopaswa kuishi. Mungu ametupa Neno lake ili isitubidi tungoje mpaka tufariki ili tujue jinsi tulivyopaswa kuishi. Na ametupa Roho wake ili kutuwezesha kuishi hivyo sasa.


What Is Eternity-Minded Stewardship?

Concerning money and possessions, the Bible is sometimes extreme, sometimes shocking. When we come to Scripture, it’s for comfort, not for assaults against our worldview, right? Let God talk about love and grace, thank you. Let us talk about money and possessions—then do with them whatever we please.

Were we honest, that’s what many of us would say.

Some believers ask each other tough questions: “Have you been spending time in the Word? Sharing your faith? Guarding your sexual purity?” Yet how often do we ask, "Are you winning the battle against materialism?” Or, "Have you been peeking at those tempting magazines and websites? You know, the ones that entice you to greed?”

People are more open even about their sexual struggles than about battling materialism, which may be the final frontier. Some churches do talk about getting out of debt. I applaud that. But you can be debt free and still be stingy and greedy. We don’t need to become smarter materialists; we need to repent of materialism and become smart stewards.

Jesus sees our hearts and knows us well. He doesn’t call all disciples to give away everything. He does call us to take radical action that breaks our bondage to money and possessions, freeing us to live under His lordship. He calls all of us to dethrone all secondary treasures in order to elevate Him as our primary treasure. If we value anything or anyone more than we value Jesus, we are not His disciples.

What we do with our money doesn’t simply indicate where our heart is. According to Jesus, it determines where our heart goes. If our heart is where our treasure is (Matthew 6:19-21), then when we move our treasure somewhere else, our heart follows. This is a remarkable truth. If I want my heart somewhere, I need to put my money there.

When people asked John the Baptist what they should do to bear the fruit of repentance, he told them to share their clothes and food with the poor. Then he instructed tax collectors not to collect and pocket extra money. Finally, he told soldiers not to extort money and accuse falsely, and to be content with their wages (Luke 3:7-14).

No one had asked John about money and possessions. Yet his answers showed that John couldn’t talk about spiritual change without addressing how people handle material things.

If John the Baptist were to visit us today, what conclusions would he draw about our attitudes and actions toward money and possessions? Would the evidence convince him we are true followers of Jesus? Or would he see us as baptized versions of the world’s self-preoccupied materialists?

Microsoft executive Tricia Mayer wrote me, “Stewardship is the Christian life. It is about what we do with every resource given to us, every day we walk the earth, and every relationship we have. The difficult task of stewardship is mustering the discipline and will to manage the problem child called money.”

A steward is entrusted with wealth or property that does not belong to him. It’s his responsibility to manage that wealth in the best interests of, and according to the stated wishes of, the owner. God has given us life, time, talents, money, possessions, family, and His grace. In each case He evaluates what we do with what He’s entrusted to us.

The steward is granted by the owner sufficient resources and the authority to carry out his designated responsibilities. When it comes to financial stewardship, God hasn’t handed us a standardized checklist to mark off. Rather, He has provided us His Word with principles for effective financial stewardship—principles we have to wrestle with. A responsible steward consults the Owner, seeking His direction. This requires insight and wisdom far beyond our own. Scripture says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault” (James 1:5).

Do you truly desire God’s wisdom and empowerment in making difficult stewardship decisions (and evaluating your own heart)? Then ask. He won’t leave you in the dark. He has given you His Word and His Spirit to guide you.

  • And you shall remember the LORD your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18).
  • The LORD makes poor and makes rich; He brings low and lifts up (1 Samuel 2:7).
  • Both riches and honor come from You, and You reign over all (I Chronicles 29:12).

Stewardship is living in the light of these truths. It’s living with the awareness that we are managers, not owners, of what God has entrusted to us for this brief season. How we handle money and possessions demonstrates who we really believe is their true owner—God or us.

John Wesley offered four questions to help decide how to spend money. Notice how the last three flow directly out of the first one:

  • In spending this money, am I acting as if I owned it, or am I acting as the Lord’s trustee?
  • What Scripture requires me to spend this money in this way?
  • Can I offer up this purchase as a sacrifice to the Lord?
  • Will God reward me for this expenditure at the resurrection of the just?

If we really believe God is the owner of everything, shouldn’t we regularly be asking Him, “What do you want me to do with your money and your possessions?” And shouldn’t we be open to the possibility that He may want us to share large portions of His assets with those whose needs are greater than ours?

I spoke with a man who’d read The Treasure Principle, my book on giving. He owns a profitable business and believes for the first time that he knows why God has blessed him financially. It’s not so he can drive nicer cars and live in a nicer house. It’s to give it to build God’s kingdom. I told him about several different missions groups and prolife projects, and ways to help persecuted Christians. I wish you could have heard the excitement in his voice as he walked away determined to liquidate more earthly assets and dramatically expand his eternal investment portfolio!

This man followed through, and has given more and more over the years. He isn’t reluctant and guilt-ridden. He’s been liberated from material bondage, and is thrilled to have gotten onboard with what matters! He’s like the man who finds priceless treasure hidden in the field, “Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field” (Matthew 13:44). Do we pity the man for his sacrifices? No! We envy him both for his treasure and his joy.

If God is speaking to you, listen. Nothing’s more fleeting than the moment of conviction. Never procrastinate obedience. Once we stand before His throne, it will be too late to go back and reclaim a lifetime of squandered opportunities. Gazing into the eyes of the Christ we treasure, we’ll know exactly how we should have lived. God has given us His Word so we don’t have to wait to die to find out. And He’s given us His Spirit to empower us to live that way now.

Photo: Unsplash

Randy Alcorn (@randyalcorn) is the author of over sixty books and the founder and director of Eternal Perspective Ministries