Does Louie Giglio Misinterpret Colossians 1:17 to Say It’s Referring to Laminin?

Question from a reader:

Randy has shared Louie Giglio’s presentation “How Great Is Our God” on his blog. I would like to know what he has to say about this article concerning how Louie used the example of laminin, and supposedly misinterprets Colossians 1:17 to fit his illustration. Thanks so much.

Answer from Stephanie Anderson, EPM staff:

Having watched Louie's video several times over the years, I believe he is saying laminin [cross-shaped proteins] is an illustration, a signpost pointing to the reality of Colossians 1:17, Jesus holding all things, including us, together, and he's not saying that laminin is literally the meaning of that verse. But I could see how someone could take his words that way.

I found this short analysis helpful. Here's an excerpt: “The structure of laminin is only an image which by itself does not necessarily prove anything. However, when this image is considered as a parallel to the symbolic aspect of the cross and the religious significance therein, a resounding message appears: laminin is to our bodies as Jesus is to our souls. No proofs or support, nor debates, just a beautiful picture.”

Photo by Chokniti Khongchum

Stephanie Anderson is the communications and graphics specialist at Eternal Perspective Ministries. 
