Ed Welch Tells a Man’s Story of Asking Forgiveness from a Prostitute

Edward Welch is a counselor and faculty member at CCEF, the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation. He’s also an excellent author. I used his book Addictions - A Banquet in the Grave: Finding Hope in the Power of the Gospel in a seminary class I taught years ago called Theology of Desire, and also highly recommend his wonderful book When People Are Big and God Is Small: Overcoming Peer Pressure, Codependency, and the Fear of Man.

CCEF frequently shares great material on their site, including this story from Ed about a man asking forgiveness from a prostitute. I especially appreciate that it shows the woman’s humanity.

Asking Forgiveness from a Prostitute

It seems obvious, but I have never suggested it: if a man has been with a prostitute, it is right for him to ask her forgiveness. Consider this story. 

Sex dominated this man’s life. He paid to get into nightclubs where he could meet women, and he paid to be with prostitutes. When he wasn’t strategizing how to have sex, he paid for pornography. 

How God gets our attention is a mystery, but he got this man’s attention. A relationship with a gentle, local pastor was one of the means. 

Read the rest on the CCEF blog.

photo credit: The mysterious girl via photopin (license)

Randy Alcorn (@randyalcorn) is the author of over sixty books and the founder and director of Eternal Perspective Ministries
