Questions on Heaven from Corban University Students

CorbanLast month I did a Q&A on Heaven at Corban University’s chapel. I enjoyed meeting students and sharing what God’s word says about our eternal home. (I’ll be going back to Corban in May to teach a three-day graduate course titled “Spend 3 Days in Heaven,” which can be taken for credit or audited. 

During the chapel session, students submitted some great questions, but unfortunately we didn’t have time to get to all of them. Campus Pastor Dan Huber shared the remaining questions with me, so I wanted to provide answers for the students and also for anyone who has had similar questions. Special thanks to EPM staff member Julia Mayo (Stager), who pulled all these answers together!

Here’s the full-length video of the session.

Q&A on Heaven and the New Earth at Corban University's Chapel from Randy Alcorn - EPM on Vimeo.

Here are some highlights from the students’ questions. I’ve also included the complete list below.

The full list of questions and answers:

Randy Alcorn (@randyalcorn) is the author of over sixty books and the founder and director of Eternal Perspective Ministries
