Enjoying Maggie Grace

MaggieNanci and I are enjoying our first week with our new Golden Retriever puppy, Maggie Grace, who is nine weeks old.

She’s pretty adorable, so I keep pulling out the camera. These are two slideshows, one of which I posted on Facebook Monday night, the second of which I haven’t posted until now.

God graciously links the hearts of people to their animals. That was his plan from the beginning. You’ve heard of therapy dogs? Most dogs are therapy dogs, to the families they’ve been entrusted to. Maggie has already been therapy for us. We thank God for her.

“The godly care for their animals” (Proverbs 12:10, NLT).

First slideshow of our Maggie, 2:13 min.: 

Second slideshow of Maggie, 2:26 min.: 

And for those who can’t get enough of dogs, here’s a fun video of two dogs in the snow:

Randy Alcorn (@randyalcorn) is the author of over sixty books and the founder and director of Eternal Perspective Ministries
