I hear good things about G.K. Beale’s The Erosion of Inerrancy in Evangelicalism: Responding to New Challenges to Biblical Authority, and I like other things he's done. There's one by Charles Ryrie titled What You Should Know about Inerrancy that's older than Norman Geisler's book Inerrancy. There’s also a really old one on biblical authority by B.B. Warfield, Inspiration and Authority of the Bible, which was a classic in its day. There's a video series by R.C. Sproul called Hath God Said? The Evangelical Theological Society (www.etsjets.org) believes in inerrancy and presumably has substantial articles articulating that position.

Randy Alcorn's First Response to Fuller Statement on Inerrancy
May we believe and celebrate the Word of God He has given us, rejoicing that it is worthy to bear all the weight of our trust.