God delights in his children’s enjoyment of one another. True, Christ alone is sufficient to meet all our needs. Yet, God has designed us for relationship not only with himself but also with others of our kind. After God created the world, he stepped back to look at his work and pronounced it “very good.” However, before his creation was complete, he said that one thing—and only one—was not good. “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him” (Genesis 2:18). God planned for Adam, and all mankind, to need human companionship. In other words, God made people to need and desire others besides himself.

Nanci, My Best Friend for 40 Years
Randy's blog
December 7, this Sunday, is the 40th anniversary of the day Nanci and I met. We were freshmen in high school. It was a double date in which we went to see two new movies at Portland's Village Theatre on 122nd.