Readers' Responses to Wait Until Then

Wait Until Then

I lost my dad and brother within a few months in very sad situations. Prior to that we were told our son has Cystic Fibrosis. The “children’s” book, Wait Until Then, rocked our faith in a good way. We too have had baseball players come and speak to us and hate to, but love to, get in line first at Disney World. — C. A.

The other evening I read Wait Until Then to my daughter. I was caught by surprise that, again, I was unable to get through the book without crying. I believe this is the Holy Spirit witnessing to me each time of the truth of the resurrection; that the day will come when we too will rise in perfected bodies. This is such a comfort to me because this child, my 11 year old daughter, was born with Down Syndrome and complications due to Autism. I very much appreciate your beautiful book and the eternal message contained therein. —G.H.

Randy Alcorn’s Wait Until Thenis both touching and wise. Any parent who wants to explain what happens to us when we die, how to deal with the death of a loved one, and how to cope with serious disappointment will want to read this book with their child.
    This book could easily have been trite or preachy, but it’s neither. The story brought tears to my eyes, and I believe it will touch you and your children, too. I also like that Alcorn has backed up his fictional story with plenty of Bible verses. And the illustrations, by Doron Ben-Ami, are amazing! They are rich and much so, many look like photographs, not drawings. I can’t imagine better illustrations for this book.  K. S.

I read Wait Until Then to my 8-year-old son last night. He followed the story and liked it a lot. I thought it was great and the illustrations are just incredible—some of them look like photographs!  N. S.

Great book! Definitely a must for any children's book collection. C. N.

I was asked to speak at an Awana club for council time. It was their last session and the theme was “Homerun!” The Lord spoke so clearly to me that the best homerun for those precious boys and girls would be to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and to one day be in Heaven with Him. Then He reminded me of the book Wait Until Then and told me I was to read it to the children.
    When it came time for me to attend the Awana meeting and share in the council time, there were so many children, I wondered, “What I was thinking. How in the world could someone just read a story to all of them?” I released the book back to God and said, “You asked me to do this, and I will.”
    It was the most powerful experience I have ever had. All the children had their eyes on me and sat perfectly quiet and still. The commander came up to me afterwards and said, “That was wonderful—I have never seen the children sit so quietly at council time!” Then we had all the big kids come for the next council. I had the same fears, and I turned them over to Him. Picture those big boys and girls on the floor (some in chairs) quiet and taking in every word.
    What a joy it was for me to be used of God in this way! It is such a precious story. I did share, too, that I have a son who is in a wheelchair, and one day in Heaven we are going to run and walk and talk together. The homerun of Heaven was presented powerfully and clearly…thank you, Lord. — B. B.

How do we explain the hope of Heaven to children? Randy Alcorn, who has studied extensively about heaven, has written an engaging story for children that presents heaven in an understandable, scriptural manner.
    The story centers around a young boy who suffers with spina-bifida and his relationship with his grandfather who is dying of cancer. Both love baseball. The grandfather had been a major league baseball player in the Ted Williams era and the grandson is unable to play baseball because of his condition, but longs to play.
    Wait Until Then
deals gently with the very real problems of suffering, death, and the heart’s longing for life’s difficulties to be resolved and set right in Heaven.
    Our children grow up fast, and face a world full of pain and sorrow. As much as we would like to shield them from suffering, we probably would do better to equip them spiritually from their youngest years.
    In this story, grandfather and grandson both have reason to look forward to Heaven, while enjoying their relationship on earth. The book is a great tool to use to get a conversation going about what God promises us in Heaven, and how we can best cope with the sufferings of life on Earth.
    No suffering is easy, but God promises that one day He will wipe all the tears from our eyes in a New Heaven and New Earth (Revelation 21:1-4).
    The last page of the book also gives some scriptural information for parents about Heaven to further aid discussion. The life-like illustrations by Doron Ben-Ami are wonderful and enhance the book greatly.
    The book is published by Tyndale, 2007, and is aimed at grade school children. — P. W.

