In Light of Eternity is an invaluable spiritual compass, pointing us homeward. When I sat down with this little book, I opened it expecting interesting, challenging, thought-provoking pages, and I found them. What I didn’t expect was that I would close the book spellbound with heaven, full of anticipation about the place for which I was meant and the One who awaits me there.
Home as a term for heaven is not simply a metaphor. It describes an actual, physical place-a place built by our bridegroom, a place we’ll share with loved ones, a place of fond familiarity and comfort and refuge, a place of marvelous smells and tastes, fine food, and great conversation, of contemplation and interaction and expressing the gifts and passions God has given us. It will also be a place of unprecedented freedom and adventure.
In this book, Randy Alcorn wipes the fog from our windows and shows us a picture of heaven that is not only vivid, enchanting, and detailed, but biblical as well. I was shocked at how specifically the Bible describes heaven, and how even a short consideration of that description spurred my heart onward in Christ.
Some might think a book on this topic would be inspirational, but somewhat impractical. On the contrary, I was struck for some time afterwards with weighty questions: Which world am I living for? Where are my treasures being invested? How can I use God’s gifts to me to better glorify the King and position my soul towards the eternal tomorrow?
This life is the headwaters out of which life in heaven flows. Eternity will hold for us what we’ve poured into it during our lives here. Your God-given resources of time, talents, and money and possessions are the lever, positioned on the fulcrum of this life, that moves the mountains of eternity.
This heaven-focused book provided me more earthly applications than I could handle-from what to teach my children and how to spend my money, to what to dream about as I lay my head down at night. And so I plan on picking it up again along with my Bible and looking again at a place I have glanced at too rarely. May this book’s eternal focus become mine as well.
—Anonymous, A grateful Covenant Fellowship Church member, Glen Mills, PA

Readers' Responses to In Light of Eternity
If you have questions about Heaven, this is a great way to answer some of them. This book is very easy to read, plain spoken, and easy to understand.