If God Is Good Study Guide

From Stephanie Anderson, promotions director at EPM

Looking for a book study this fall? Then I’d encourage you to check out our newly released If God Is Good Study Guide. It would be a great study for your church or small group, or even if you as an individual would like to delve deeper into the subject of evil and suffering. This is a substantial study guide, not just questions and white space:

The reality of evil and suffering is not only our culture’s biggest objection to faith in God, but also pierces the soul of every believer at some point in their lives.

This reality compels us to be prepared in order to handle the doubts and questions that roll over us like a storm tide whenever we confront the worst of pain, malice, and injustice. The study guide to Randy Alcorn’s If God Is Good: Faith in the Midst of Suffering and Evilhelps you gain perspective on suffering and God’s unfailing goodness. Designed for both individual and group use, this guide is adaptable to whatever schedule and approach is most convenient for you—from a four-week overview, to an exploratory eight-week journey, to an intensive thirteen-week course.

Included are a variety of questions for reflection and discussion, plus book excerpts that capture the highlights and best insights from If God Is Good. In addition, a group leader’s guide offers guidance for steering a group through any of the three approaches.

Let this book be your guide as you face up to a seriously perplexing issue and the countless questions it keeps generating.

Check out this at-a-glance chart from the book, which explains the three ways to use the study guide. You might also like to read an excerpt.

EPM offers the If God Is Good Study Guide for $9.99 (retail $11.99). Purchase 10 or more for the discounted price of $7.99 each.

Stephanie Anderson is the communications and graphics specialist at Eternal Perspective Ministries. 
