Lord Foulgrin's Letters: Pronunciation of Words

Aleathel: Aw lay’ thee el

Amrael: Ahm’ raw el

Ashtar: ash’ tar

Ashtorah: Ash’ tore uh

Baal: bail

Baalhoof: bail’ hoof

Baal jezeb ashnar mordol nuhl-keez gimbus molech nargul dazg: Bail jez’eb ash’nar more’dull nool—keys gim’bus Mow’lech nar’ghoul dawsg

Baltar: Ball’ tar

Baletwist: Bail’ twist

Basteel: Bass steal’

Beelzebub: bee els’ a bub

Bodewhip: Bode’ whip

Braun: Brawn

Caiaphas: kai’ uh fuss

Cerro Llullaillaco: (your guess is as good as mine, but it’s a real mountain in Chile where human sacrifices were made.)

Charis: car’ us

Chemosh: Chem’ osh (soft e, as in bed)

Conhock: con’ hock

Dachau: dock how’

Dante: dawn’ tay

Elshar: El’ shawr

Elyon: El’ yawn

Elyon miriel o aeron galad—chara domina beth charis o aleathes celebron: El’ yawn mere’ ee el owe err’on gal lawd’ — car’ awe dawm’ in uh beth car’us owe a lay’ thee us sell eh brawn’

Elzar: El’ czar

Erebus: air’ a bus

Eshmon: esh’ mon

Fortrel: Fort’ rel

Ishbane: Ish’ bane

Jadorel: Jad’ o rel

Jaltor: Jal’ tore

Melqart: Mel’ cart

Mengele: Ming’ lee

Moab: mow’ ab

Molech nargul dazg: Mow’lech nar’ghoul dawsg

Moroni: More own’ eye

Muckphlegm: muck’ flem

Muguvarow: Mug uv’ a row

My lai: me lie’

Obsmut: ob’ smut

Ra: Raw

Romtha: Rahm’ thuh

Scagrum: Scag’ rum

Sidon: side’ un

Skiathorus: ski aw’ thor us

Spondylus: spawn’ dill us

Stungoth: stun’goth

Talor: Tay’ lore

Tartarus: tar’tar us

Tiglath-pileser: tig lath pill ay’ zer

Tozer: toes’ uhr

Tyre: tire


Zalor: zay’ lore

Zyel: Zai’ el

Zyor: zi’ or

Randy Alcorn (@randyalcorn) is the author of over sixty books and the founder and director of Eternal Perspective Ministries
