Minnie Broas, whose story was included in my book If God Is Good, would tell you today with absolute clarity that God is indeed good. She knows. She’s with Him.
Jesus calls his followers citizens of Heaven. When we think more about dinner out tomorrow than the banquet on the New Earth with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, we lose sight of Heaven and surrender the present joy that comes in anticipating it. Scripture tells us we should see our present sufferings in light of future glory. We must fix our eyes on things that, for the present, remain invisible (see 2 Corinthians 4:18).
Minnie lay dying of cancer; within weeks her decimated body would stop working and she would have to leave behind her husband and son. They gave much thought to eternity, speaking openly of God’s sovereign purposes. Minnie, who had come to know Christ only a couple of years before her diagnosis, wrote online, “We can’t forget this is about His glory and we will see and have seen His glory. He is faithful! We are never without hope. We have a very big God. His plans and purposes are still perfect and will forever be perfect no matter the number of our days. To Him be all glory, honor and praise!”Minnie’s husband, Danilo, signed off his wife’s blog update with Psalm 30:11–12: “You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing to you and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give you thanks forever.”
It’s precisely because they knew they will give thanks to God forever that they could give thanks to God during their suffering.
Six weeks after Minnie posted her letter, she departed to a better world.
This 5-minute video of Minnie was taped by her pastor a few weeks before her death. Her friend Penny Hunter wrote, "Minnie had shared with us last summer that she felt she had the opportunity to fellowship with Jesus in a very intimate way because she had the privilege of fellowshipping in his suffering."
(Click here if you're unable to view the video.)