My friend Doug Nichols, founder of ACTION International Ministries, wrote this article about the importance of orphanages, and why we can't just leave street children on the street. He writes:
It is very discouraging to read articles which are basically negative in regards to caring for orphans and street children in orphanages. Of course, a loving home is better than an orphanage, but does that mean we should give up on orphanages altogether? We do realize that there are some unacceptable orphanages in the world, but creating more loving, God-centered orphanages could bring glory to God and save thousands of children the pain and abuse they face every day on the street. We need to support both adoption and orphanages.
Although placing a child into a loving family should be our goal, it is not always possible. An orphan or a street child is not taken directly from the street to a home. There is usually some type of government orphanage or childcare agency in which the child is placed while proper records are made. Then the child is placed into a loving family if one can be found.
So, why shouldn’t the church of Jesus Christ start many more orphanages around the world to place street and underprivileged children and orphans into a loving, Christian environment? Orphanages can be safe harbors where children can be lovingly protected and cared for until a home can be found.
The following are simple plans for a Christian Children’s Village in Africa as an example. A Christian Children’s Village with separate homes housing 12 children per home could care for 280 to 500 children! The village would have staff, supervisors, house parents, a school, an all-purpose building, a chapel, a clinic, a play area, and gardens for each house.
Children from neighboring villages could also attend the school. This would enable the orphans to be incorporated into society with other children, families, and loved ones, with the purpose of being adopted whenever possible.
To those who are criticizing orphanages and children’s villages, please, stop doing so and consider what could be done through well-run orphanages. What is the alternative? I believe you would agree that we should not leave the street children and orphans in the sewers, and streets where they are likely to be abused, but that we should place them in a loving environment where they can be cared for, nurtured and ministered to by the grace of God and the Gospel?
Children are tortured, abused, spit upon, kicked, starved and burned on the streets of the world. Why don’t you and I, as Christians, do something about it? Please, encourage your government and church to protect these children, get them off the streets, and place them where they will be loved and cared for in Jesus’ name.
“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” (James 1:27, ESV)
This is Randy again. Here are some organizations with orphanages that EPM supports and/or recommends, that you might consider checking out and supporting.ACTION International's Home of Love in Uganda. Home of Love is a ministry located inside the municipality of Gulu. There are presently two homes on the property: House of Love and House of Joy, which offer the children a safe and supportive environment. The on-site staff become like the children's mothers, uncles, and aunts who minister to and mentor them. Visit the ACTION website to learn more.
Rancho de los Niños in Mexico. Rancho de los Niños is the only orphanage in their state of Mexico that accepts children with disabilities. As a result, 17 of the 27 children currently there have some level of special needs, from mild to severe. When children arrive at the ranch, a long-range plan is developed which may include eventual return to their family or relative. If no other appropriate resource can be found, governmental officials are asked to prepare papers to allow children to be adopted. Visit their website to learn more.
Photo by Seth Doyle on Unsplash