Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn (@randyalcorn) is the author of over sixty books and the founder and director of Eternal Perspective Ministries

How Did You Learn to Love Reading?

How Did You Learn to Love Reading?

article - Randy Alcorn
I learned to love reading through comic books Archie and Richie, Rich and Marvel (esp. Fantastic Four). But I was a DC fan, my favorites being The Justice League of America (Green Lantern was my hero) and The Legion of Super Heroes (go, Lightning Lad). From there I dove into science fiction and fantasy, spending my nights looking through my telescope, then coming to bed freezing cold and reading science fiction by flashlight under my covers, so Mom wouldnt see the light on. I vividly remember forty years ago looking through the kids fiction section in the local ...
How Did You Come up with the Idea that Quan (in Safely Home) Would Teach and Write His Book in Heaven?

How Did You Come up with the Idea that Quan (in Safely Home) Would Teach and Write His Book in Heaven?

article - Randy Alcorn
Much of the confusion about what will take place in heaven is because most people don't think of heaven as the "New Earth." It's on the new earth that we will do earthly things. Unless teaching and writing are evil (part of the curse) or scripture says there will be no teaching or writing on the new earth, then there will be. Human beings who have bodies do things to the glory of God such as eat, drink, talk, think, communicate, rest, work, etc. so there would be writing books, reading books and teaching.
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