Randy Alcorn

Randy Alcorn (@randyalcorn) is the author of over sixty books and the founder and director of Eternal Perspective Ministries

Do You Think the Willingness of both Political Parties’ Leaders to Acknowledge the Moral Implications and Aspects of Abortion Are an Offering of Good Will and Common Ground?

Do You Think the Willingness of both Political Parties’ Leaders to Acknowledge the Moral Implications and Aspects of Abortion Are an Offering of Good Will and Common Ground?

article - Randy Alcorn
To say that the acknowledgement of the moral implications and aspects of abortion are “an offering of good will and common ground” sounds nice, but William Wilberforce and his fellow abolitionists were constantly told this by those who wanted to massage slavery and tweak it here and there and maybe improve the conditions a little on the slave ships.
Isn’t It True That at the Time It Was Passed, Most Evangelicals Were Silent in Response to Roe v. Wade? So Doesn’t That Give Doubt to Their Sincerity in Opposing Abortion Now?

Isn’t It True That at the Time It Was Passed, Most Evangelicals Were Silent in Response to Roe v. Wade? So Doesn’t That Give Doubt to Their Sincerity in Opposing Abortion Now?

article - Randy Alcorn
Yes. In the three decades I’ve been involved in the prolife movement, I have never once heard someone make the claim that evangelicals mobilized in direct response to Roe v. Wade. On the contrary, many of us have publicly bemoaned the fact that we did NOT do so. We were several years late coming out of the gates.
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