Touching Stories from Readers About Randy's Novel Safely Home and Books on Heaven

Nanci and I were touched by these recent notes EPM has received from readers. We’re so grateful to be part of this eternity-shaping ministry! —Randy Alcorn

Family touched by Safely HomeSafely Home influenced our family! We adopted a precious baby from China in 2003. I felt we should adopt one more, but my husband was unsure; we had four birth children plus one adopted. While reading Safely Home, God stirred in my husband's heart and he said YES to one more! They are now 17 and 14, and they both love the Lord! Thank you for writing your books for the Glory of God. —A.S. (Photo used with permission)

HeavenJust a quick email to let you know how much your books and resources have helped me and my counseling patients. …I call your book, Heaven, the encyclopedia of all biblical info on Heaven....THE GO-TO-BOOK....of course, second to the Bible. 

…as a licensed clinical psychotherapist and Christian therapist, I give the little booklet of yours on Heaven to my patients when we are working through grief of losing loved ones, when working on fear of dying, to oncology patients, those searching for encouragement or meaning in life, and sometimes, as a graduation-from-therapy gift (letting them know that I've enjoyed our journey and hope we will be neighbors in eternity). —G.W.B

I believe your book Wait Until Then was used by God at the perfect time to help my 8-year-old son (who was adopted from Haiti).

A few evenings ago my son had been in bed for about an hour but was not able to sleep. Nights are a scary time for he and his older brother as we believe they encountered voodoo and/or witchcraft in Haiti... On this particular evening, a few nights ago, my son couldn’t sleep and told me he was scared to die, followed by deep sobs. I held him in my lap and assured him that he was not alone in his fear as even grown-ups fear death. I went on to share with him the Gospel and why we don’t have to fear death if we know Jesus.

As I was holding my son on my lap and praying with him, your book Wait Until Then flashed across my mind.  ...Throughout the entire story my son sat very still, eyes wide, drinking in every word... Your book brought answers, the Gospel, and a clear picture of what Heaven will be like, helping to significantly relieve my son’s fear. —J.G.


An Invitation from Eternal Perspective Ministries

Join Us in Providing a Much-Needed Eternal Perspective in 2021

COVID-19. Societal unrest. Political turmoil. Natural disasters. The year 2020 has brought plenty of challenges, to say the least. Never have we more needed a daily dose of eternal perspective to keep our eyes fixed on Christ and to trust His sovereign purposes.

Helping God’s people embrace that eternal perspective is at the heart of all that EPM does, and it’s been our privilege to provide Christ-centered, eternity-minded content throughout 2020.

One reader wrote, “I just finished reading your book If God Is Good It has been very meaningful and helpful during these days of lockdown, riots, disease, etc. Thank you for sharing these insights, many of which I have shared with others.”

Another wrote Randy on Twitter to say, “Thank you Randy, you are a great encouragement in a year of insanity.”

Just a few days ago we received a letter from a prisoner saying, “I read all three books [Randy’s novels Deadline, Dominion, and Deception]. With nothing to lose, I began to pray for the first time to a God I didn’t know of at all, till I read your three novels. …Then something happened! I felt God speak to me from my heart. God has given me life, hope, comfort and joy! …God found me in a jail cell from your novels. …I’m now spreading God’s love to everyone at this jail. I read from a pocket Bible. I keep passing the three novels from cell to cell. I pray with all willing inmates and testify what God’s doing for me.”

We’re so grateful to be able to continue sharing the hope of Christ and of eternal life in Him!

If you have found our books, articles, social media posts, and/or magazine to be helpful during the challenging last year, would you prayerfully consider supporting EPM and being a part of this eternity-shaping ministry in 2021? Like many ministries have experienced, the pandemic has affected our donation levels. For those who are able to give, we would deeply appreciate your financial partnership and your prayers. The gifts we receive in December are vital to support our work in the coming year.

Please know that those of you who’ve partnered with our ministry through both giving and prayer play a vital role in our outreach. We’re deeply grateful for you.

Note that a tax-deductible online gift in 2020 must be received by 11:59 p.m. PT on December 31.

If you wish to mail a check, our address is 39065 Pioneer Blvd., Suite 100, Sandy, OR 97055. All envelopes must be postmarked by 12/31/20. 
