Eternal Perspectives: Fall/Winter 2012

MagazineThis issue includes:

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Feedback from subscribers about the new full-color format:

Saving $ and getting an updated look for the magazine are pluses, but I have to tell you that when I first glanced at it in the pile of mail, I thought it was just another sports equipment (like REI) catalog!  Outdoor scene, binoculars, backpack . . . !  At least your former style was distinctive (non-slick paper cover).  Now that I'm aware of the new look, I won't miss it—and good thing, because the articles are always SO EXCELLENT!!  PTL it didn't land in the recycle pile! —M.A.

Love the new magazine. Great job. It almost went in the shredder. —T.R.

I really appreciate your magazine.  Thank you and may God bless you, your ministry and your family. —D.H.

Just wanted to let you know I love the new look—it is definitely more eye-catching!  Love all the articles, as usual.  They speak Truth into my life, and encouragement to my heart. Thank you! —N.B.

I have to say I love it and my husband does too. It makes it so much easier to read when it's not folded and trying to straighten it out while you're trying to catch a word in there.  I hope you continue it and that you're getting good inputs.  —L.

Love the new magazine format, Randy! It is also designed in an easy-to-read format with titles large enough to scan and graphics that illustrate the topics addressed. We are happy about how the Lord has made a way for EPM to be more colorful and user-friendly!  —P.F.

We’d love to get your feedback about our new look. Use our contact form to send us your message. 

You can sign up to receive our magazine in the mail, or sign up to receive a notification when the latest issue is posted online.
